Cyril Winkler

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Cyril Expertise

Con­sul­tant Trans­for­ma­tion & Met­rics

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Cyril is a Junior Consultant at Hotz Brand Consultants and supports the Transformation & Metrics team in the development and implementation of business strategies and the measurement and analysis of their impact.

Before joining Hotz Brand Consultants, Cyril gained experience in marketing at a leading company in the cosmetics industry, in consulting for retail companies in Switzerland and in business development at a London start-up.

Cyril holds a Bachelor and Master in Business Administration with a focus on strategy, marketing and digitalization, which he completed at the University of Fribourg, the University of St. Gallen and the University of Bern.

During his studies, Cyril was able to pursue his passion for the strategy of companies in the luxury industry in various research projects and has acquired in-depth knowledge of success factors in brand management through various published works.
