Schwyzer Kantonalbank

Brand Strategy + Brand Design + Brand metrics + Narrative & Communication

From traditional "Schwyzer Art" to a characteristic brand positioning and a differentiating brand identity

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The brief

From organic growth to targeted brand positioning thanks to a unique selling proposition

Founded in 1890, Schwyzer Kantonalbank (SZKB) is the leading bank in the Canton of Schwyz and one of the region’s largest employers with over 600 members of staff.

The SZKB brand has grown organically in the last years and has been mostly characterized by the typical "Schwyzer Art." However, little was done to explain how this "Schwyzer Art" could translate into a unique selling proposition which was needed to credibly differentiate from competitors.

As part of the overall bank strategy development, Hotz Brand Consultants helped SZKB in the clarification of the long-term orientation of the bank, thereby formulating its brand identity and unique purpose "Since generations. For generations. Together right here." Also, in the strategy development process it was determined that the core convictions of the bank shouldn’t be used only internally, but also as an external instrument for the strategy realization.

As a result, it was decided to evolve the brand positioning so that SZKB could clearly express its core beliefs across its value creation: starting with the brand experiences and client interactions through the bank's own advisory philosophy to the entire visual appearance, the core convictions of the bank had to be brought to life.

Szkb mockups PPT 04 1
Mockup webseite SZKB 2

The solution

Profound process for the creation of a characteristic brand positioning

The process aimed at creating a characteristic brand positioning that is relevant to customers and differentiates from competitors started with a comprehensive analysis of the internal and external brand perception of Schwyzer Kantonalbank. The findings revealed that Schwyzer Kantonalbank was largely perceived positively, but there was a limited understanding of its core convictions and differentiation from competitors. A refinement of the core elements of SZKB’s brand positioning (brand attributes, brand narrative, brand promise, value proposition, and communicative messages) was needed. On the base of the new positioning, initiatives were identified to bring the positioning to life across touchpoints and ensure a consistent brand expression - both from a communication (core messages) and visual (brand design) standpoint.

The newly defined brand elements represented the starting point for the design principles used to further develop the brand expression and the touchpoint design.

Mockup Cover SZKB
Mockup Magazin SZKB

The impact

The evolved brand positioning as a driver for distinctive brand experiences and a holistic brand expression

The new brand positioning serves as the base for all future communication and aims to ensure that the bank's distinctive identity is experienced through its value creation. The evolved design expression makes the new brand positioning concrete and tangible for the people and other relevant target groups in Canton Schwyz. In close collaboration with the marketing team of Schwyzer Kantonalbank and their local agency, Büro Nord, the brand design will be implemented on a rolling basis, and the partnership will be continued.

Mockup Werbeartikel
