
Brand Strategy + Brand Design + Storytelling & Engagement + Strategy Implementation

Strategy and design in all matters relating to brand management.

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Expand and define the Mobility brand, looking to the future.

What began in 1987 with eight Swiss and a red car has developed over the past decades into Switzerland's leading car-sharing provider: Mobility.

Today and in the future, however, Mobility is more than that. The company is on its way to becoming the largest national provider of individual mobility services. On four wheels, two wheels, for self-driving or ride-sharing. Today, the leading car-sharing company offers its almost 200,000 customers throughout Switzerland more than 2,800 vehicles and 200 electric scooters. Simple, inexpensive, around the clock self-service.

Hotz Brand Consultants has been supporting Mobility for many years in all aspects of brand management. Among other things, they jointly realised the rebranding in 2009, which became the face of today's brand. In the recent past, Hotz Brand Consultants also supported Mobility in the implementation of its corporate strategy, which included the development of new service areas.

The objectives:

  • Clarify the brand architecture with a focus on future business fields

  • Open up the brand image for new service offerings and target groups

  • Communicate strategy to employees and partners

  • Optimise the brand experience at digital touchpoints

  • Integrate catch-a-car

  • Brand development of Mobility-Go

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Translating a portfolio of services into a future-oriented brand architecture.

In 2018, Hotz Brand Consultants became involved in the Mobility corporate strategy process as brand management experts. In close cooperation with Mobility's CEO and corporate communications, the corporate strategy was illuminated from a brand perspective and a brand-oriented development and integration of the planned new service fields were ensured.

In a first step, the strategic development framework of the service offering was analysed and implications for the brand architecture were derived. Hotz Brand Consultants designed a brand architecture framework to capture and categorise the different services and then systematically develop a consistent and clear naming of the new services. The portfolio of services and offers could thus be translated into a logical and future-oriented brand architecture.

Mobility Carsharing had to become Mobility. Hotz Brand Consultants developed the basis for the decision and accompanied the rebranding from "Mobility Car Sharing" to "Mobility". In addition, the naming for all current and future service offerings was (further) developed.

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Inspiring and mobilising employees and partners for a strategy.

Hotz Brand Consultants also supported Mobility in communicating the strategy in order to inspire and mobilise employees for the direction taken. Hotz Brand Consultants designed and created an animated representation of the strategic thrust in 3D. This kind of strategy visualisation enabled a simple and memorable communication of the business development—or better, the common path from today to tomorrow.

In addition to the internal stakeholders, it was also important to win over the partners for the new strategy and the new self-image of Mobility. The Experience Team of Hotz Brand Consultants brought the strategic future to the point in an animated and simple way and into the company presentation so that it could be communicated clearly and positively to the employees and partners.

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Further development of the brand identity.

In the course of the further development of app and web solutions as well as the integration of catch-a-car under the umbrella of the Mobility brand, the existing brand presence was also further developed. An extensive icon library, a new image style and a characteristic design element (Mobility Ways) enable recognition as Mobility even when it is not a red car.


An instantly recognisable brand moving employees, partners, and customers towards the future together.

Successful expansion of the Mobility service offering was achieved across Mobility Scooter, Mobility Carpool, and Mobility Go. Customer and turnover growth was reported in the single-digit percentage range through the successful integration of catch-a-car.

The new, dynamic, and unmistakable brand identity led to optimal brand recognition, not only through target audiences but also through employees and partners who were mobilised on the joint path from today to tomorrow.

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