Let‘s get in touch – info@hotzbrandconsultants.ch
Sennweidstrasse 356312 Steinhausen / Zug
+41 41 748 44 88info@hotzbrandconsultants.ch
Insights from Hotz
Bei grosser Konkurrenz hilft nur eins: Abheben! Mit der richtigen Markenstrategie wird Ihre Marke ein markantes Bild gegenüber ihren Zielgruppen vermitteln und sich von der Konkurrenz abheben. So kann sich die Marke über alle Dimensionen der Wertschöpfung hinweg ausdrücken und auf dem Markt eindeutig wahrgenommen werden. In diesem Artikel erklären wir, worauf es dabei ankommt.
What does a brand need to make its impact? For our customers, we turn every brand into a tool.
From design office to brand consultancy: Our company history is at the same time a family history - and continues in big steps.
Where past meets future - and tradition meets innovation: We have a very special history with Steinhausen that continues to shape our power house today
The future is central to business strategy. But no one really knows what the future has in store, let alone how to get there. Patrick Ensslin of Hotz Brand Consultants shows what can be done to find the way to the future
For years and decades, it was the epitome of every brand design project, the pride and joy of the agency and the client: the corporate design manual. The reference work by which all those professionally involved with a company's brand should act and think. So much for the theory.
At the heart of every Strong Brand is its self-image. A powerful idea that gives meaning to everything the company does. It is the cornerstone of every experience that people should have with the company.
There is only one way to create impact with a brand: it has to be experienced. Brand experiences are the interface between people and the brand.
They are world market leaders in their special field. But they are completely unknown to Mr and Mrs Swiss. They are niche providers. Key players on the global market who, although small in size, supply companies all over the world with their highly specific range of services.
Design thinking, product design, industrial design, fashion design, and organisational design. Everything, it seems, is about design these days. What design means, however, is often unclear. A brand designer’s understanding is different to that of an organisational developer.
A main focus for brand managers these days is the Net Promoter Score, NPS for short. They want as many ‘yes’s’ as possible in response to the question ‘would you recommend us?’ The initiatives in the companies that follow the NPS programmes, however, start with the ‘no’. With great effort, analyses are carried out, information is collected and projects are started to combat the reasons for the ‘no’.
Sennweidstrasse 356312 Steinhausen / ZugSwitzerland
+41 41 748 44 88 info@hotzbrandconsultants.ch