
Brand Strategy + Brand Design + Storytelling & Engagement

A common thread for an exceptional textile company.


Preserving a precious brand for future-proof maturation.

Alumo, manufacturer of the finest shirting fabrics for world-renowned custom tailors and ready-to-wear clothing manufacturers, has been practising weaving in Appenzell for 100 years. Manufacturing by hand has become a rarity amid mass production, but also a task in the internationally competitive textile market. In order to preserve the rarity of the company, the brand needs to shine, now and in the future, with all its natural radiance.

The Alumo brand, which itself relies on high-quality materials, needed a noble impression, expressed primarily through print materials and POS documents, but also through a crystal-clear website. In the course of the process, all other companies of the Brand Leadership Circle (BLC) participated in the Alumo brand refresh with their respective special competencies, in addition to Hotz Brand Consultants.

HBC ALUMO Briefschaften
HBC ALUMO Musterbuch gross
HBC ALUMO Tragetaschen klein

«Now, thanks to the new website and the refreshed POS materials, the substance and quality of our brand can also be seen and experienced in our external appearance.»

- Sandra Geiger, CEO Alumo



Design evolution with maximum effect, radiating clarity through refreshment.

Hotz Brand Consultants examined the brand and developed a trend-setting positioning. When peeling out the existing core, the exclusivity of the brand was quickly revealed. Because of its purity, rarity, preciousness, and its development over the years, the Alumo brand is analogous to a rock crystal, which plays a central role in the brand story. With the attraction of this rare exquisiteness, the brand was translated into a consistent appearance and made tangible at all touchpoints.

Building on the previous design elements, Studio Victor Hotz renewed and unified the brand’s appearance. Great importance was attached to a simple and high-quality design. With a harmonised font and a refreshed shade of blue, which is characteristic of the brand. Alumo once again bears its word mark—reminiscent of a label—which now radiates much more clarity.

In order to make Alumo an experience on all touchpoints, the refreshed brand was implemented holistically. Calydo created a website that impresses with its clarity and ensures an intuitive user experience. Studio Victor Hotz built up the physical experience with an exquisite selection of materials and the development of the communication media.

In addition to stationery, special documents such as cards and books with fabric samples, and collection folders or travel folders for presenting the fabrics were created. The trade fair and live communication were also designed jointly by Hotz Brand Consultants and Calydo.



A world of images with a noble appeal: mysterious and full of character.

Derived from the brand story, Studio Victor Hotz defined a visual world that is mysterious and highly aesthetic. Composed of alpine landscape images and product and production images that capture this mood, an emotional visual language was created that fascinates across all media. For the image-emphasised brand presence, the photographs were elaborately produced and shot directly on location under joint production management with Calydo.

"Now, thanks to the new website and the refreshed POS materials, the substance and quality of our brand can also be seen and experienced in our external appearance." — Sandra Geiger, CEO Alumo

Under the account responsibility of Hotz Brand Consultants, all companies of the Brand Leadership Circle were involved in the brand refresh with their respective special knowledge and competencies. This resulted in intensive interdisciplinary cooperation par excellence under one roof, something which emanates from the resultant brand identity, but which was also noticeable for the client.


"Thanks to the input of the various specialists, the brand refresh has become a well-rounded and coherent affair."

- Sandra Geiger, CEO Alumo

Dies war eines von vielen Beispielen dafür, wie wir unseren Kunden mit einer effektiven Marken- und Unternehmensstrategie zu mehr Erfolg verholfen haben. Lassen Sie uns über Ihre Ziele und Bedürfnisse sprechen.
